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Dr. Jennifer Young-Wallace, Chair
Dr. Trenia L. Allen, Vice Chair
Ms. Patricia Sheriff, Academic Affairs Specialist
Total Members: 22 (19 representatives from the colleges, library, university studies, and SGA, plus Immediate Past Chair, Chair, and Vice-Chair)
Terms: 1- year, 2-year, and 3-year
Members of the UGCC include the six officers and faculty members that are elected from each college, library, student body, and University Studies. Each college—College of Business, College of Education and Human Development, College of Liberal Arts, College of Health Sciences, and College of Science, Engineering, and Technology—elects three members from its college to serve on the committee. Undergraduate Studies and the Library elect one representative to serve. The student body elects two student representatives from the Student Government Association.
The Screening Committee consists of faculty members that are selected based on the full UGCC committee’s recommendations. One member is selected from each of the five colleges and two members are members-at-large that can be selected among the full UGCC Committee. The student representatives may not serve on the Screening Committee. The members of this subcommittee are selected each year.
The UGCC has six officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Parliamentarian. The term of the Chair and Vice-Chair is two years. To maintain continuity, the Vice-Chair moves up to Chair and serves two years in the position. The Chair moves to Immediate Past Chair and serves two years in that position.
In the case any of the elected members to the UGCC is elected as Chair or Vice Chair from a college, library, or University Studies, special elections to fill those seats must be held. The term is based on the officer’s initial election term. For example, if a faculty member elected with a 2-year term from the College of Business serves on the UGCC and gets elected as Chair or Vice Chair, the 2-year term seat on the UGCC becomes open, and the College of Business will hold a special election or appoint a faculty representative to that seat on the UGCC for the remainder of the term. The UGCC Chair will notify the college, library, or University Studies in regards to any special election.
The Vice-Chair becomes Chair after a two-year term. In the case that the Chair of the UGCC resigns before the two-year term is up, the Vice-Chair will assume the role as Chair during the remainder of the term and will assume his/her two-year term succession thereafter.
In the case that the Chair and Vice Chair resign in the same year, the UGCC will hold special elections for Chair and Vice-Chair. As a result, seats in the college, Library, or University Studies of the newly elected Chair and Vice-Chair will be open. (NOTE: At all times, there must be three representatives from each College, one from Library and one from University Studies. The Chair, Vice-Chair, and Immediate Past President are exempt from this count).
The UGCC committee meets the 4th Tuesday in September, October, November, February, March, and April.
The Screening Committee meets the 1st Tuesday of September, October, November, February, March, and April if proposals need to be screened.
Time and location of meetings will be determined by the Chair of the UGCC.
A quorum is established when thirteen members are present. The parliamentarian confirms the quorum. In the absence of the parliamentarian, the person presiding over the meeting can confirm that a quorum is established.
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee |
College/School |
Name of Representatives(s) |
Name of Alternates(s) |
College of Business |
Desiree Ferrell (Student Acct.) |
College of Education and Human Development |
Dr. Tierra Flowers(2023) Dr. Gwendolyn Dawkins(2024) |
College of Liberal Arts |
Dr. Etta Morgan |
College of Health Sciences |
Dr. Trina Allen, Assistant Professor-2022-2023 Dr. Brian Anderson, Professor- 2022-2023 Dr. Yalanda Barner Assistant Professor 2021-2024 Dr. Whitney Perkins Coordinator CMD 2022-2023 Ms. Kaylin Winters (Student HCA) |
College of Science, Engineering & Technology |